Pile of work needing to be done sitting on my desk and sewing machine and craft table....screaming at me. Scripts needing to be highlighted and sound and lighting cues to be logged.
Yet, I stall. I actually clean the house instead of facing the other tasks. Why is it that we would do the most undesired tasks to put off the one that needs to be done?
Work bleeding over into my personal time bleeding over into my family time bleeding over into my "need to take a breathe" time.
All got done but at what cost to other things.
Not complaining, I made these choices of what I do. Thankful for a job that pays for a house over our heads and food on our plates.
Taking a moment to figure out the order of importance of tasks sometimes is harder than the mountain of tasks to be done.
And for what? There are many memes being posted about self-care and no one wins awards for being the last car in the work parking lot. And honestly, it feels like no one really cares or truly knows what I do for the job.
The show will go up, it will be what it will be. Props and costumes will get done. We will compete. Lessons hopefully will be learned.
In the end, I will be exhausted. Accolades might happen. Success might be achieved. Sound sleep will happen again.
But for now through mid-February, I will be on the treadmill of stress continually prioritizing and possibly procrastinating.