Wednesday, January 5, 2022


 More and more as I get older, I feel like that scene in "All That Jazz."  

Roy Schneider's character is going through the morning ritual of pills, shower, music, eyedrops, headache powder, cigarette, game face, "showtime!"


Replace the pills and headache powder with multi-vitamins and herbal supplements and nix the cigarette. Add in a quick yoga stretch, letting the dogs out, dog treat time, checking email and making sure the world is still there via the web.

I would like to think that my ritual is more body friendly-less destructive but still a prep for the "show" of the day. 

Most people, I think, have some sort of prep ritual before they show their "game face" to the world. Let's face it-getting out of a warm, cozy bed to get up and change the world takes effort.  Even for those go getters that bounce out of bed ready to conquer.  

I believe it boils down to motivation: interior or exterior.  Adulting includes the willingness to set an alarm to wake up to prep for the day/job/ready the family/etc.  Motivation is found in what makes you set that alarm.

I read about all these stars who have their rituals.  Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson's routine is to wake up, take a cold shower, work out in his private inhouse gym, have a smoothie, take a warm shower, do his current job, come home, take a jog, take a hot shower, and go to bed.  Fit in good food, a promo or two, play with his kids, make a movie, etc. He is self-motivated but also knows that he must maintain his physique to get his amazing paycheck. He works hard and has worked hard to get where he is - no begrudging him that at all. I can only try and wish to be as motivated as he.  

So it comes down to what motivates you?  Money? Fear? Health? Survival? Love? A combination of all of these? Things that I continual ponder...each phase of my life has produced different motivations.  

But for now, I must go continue my "Showtime!" ritual....remembering to do the jazz hands in the mirror before I step out.