Wow! I could not find this blog spot that I started years, I mean, years ago. Fortunately, hubby (thank you!) had bookmarked it on his massive HAL machine.
10 years ago, I set out to be a blogger. What was I thinking? Babies were 3 and 4. What a silly thought that I would actually have time to write. Two little ones, a full time job, house to keep, dog to tend, etc. Somehow Facebook became my blog of sorts. Easy and fast. Plus pictures!
Ten years fast forward: now have two teenagers, made it through elementary, still navigating middle school with one child, trying to survive high school with the other, two dogs, same job for me, different job situations with hubby, same house, survived pandemic, hoping to get through the next wave, got back into performing Improv, done some voice over work, performed some promo witch gigs, traveled more, directed 30+ more shows, put on the weight, taken off the weight, put it back on, gained friends and family, lost friends and family.
I was reviewing my Christmas Card list last month. I could not find the one from the previous year however, the year of our wedding, 20 years ago, popped up.
Viewing it with all those in attendance to our wedding was....melancholy to say the least. I had basically lifted the "thank you" notes list to the wedding attendees. With our wedding in November, I wanted to make sure that those special people who attended/sent gifts received a Christmas card in December.
20 years...what a difference. So many people from that list now with life changes. Moved, divorced, married, separated. The hardest was seeing those that are no longer with us listed. Friends, family.
I recently viewed the Dr. Who Holiday Special that BBC puts out every year. This year, our fine heroes were stuck in a time loop-repeating the same few minutes but with each repeat, there was less time to figure out the problem, solution, and escape. They and the enemy were to learn from each go around hopefully, getting out of the loop alive.
I feel that I am in a bit of that time loop. Another variant of COVID is now active and we have been playing to beat the odds since 2019. School closures, remote learning, vaccinations (which I have now had 3-each putting me on my back for 24 hours), masks, guidelines, avoiding crowds, etc.
"Here we go again" seems to be the catch phrase. Arguments about vaccinations: pros and cons. Yet, we still seem to be adrift in this time loop without actually seeming to learn much.
Dr. Who figured it all out in 59 minutes and survived. Collectively, we have had 105,897.532+ minutes and we are nowhere near as successful as Dr. Who. Though she did not need to work through the politics, personal opinions, financial battles, location challenges, and basic human mass to get it done. (She had 5 people to persuade to follow her commands and the total of 3 enemies to defeat.)
So, what does all this rambling mean? "I don't know-it's a mystery." I guess, by blogging about whatever and whenever, I will dump my thoughts here to review later? Release them?
I plan to upload random thoughts throughout that I record in the moment.
Read if you wish, follow if you wish, judge not I request.